Our body is a finely tuned machine, delicately balancing the interactions and supply levels of hormones, enzymes, proteins and biochemical reactions.
In order for us to be in tiptop shape, each bodily component must be working efficiently. Much like a car needs fuel to drive, our body needs fuel to optimize performance. While diesel fuel works for trucks and not cars, so too the fuel, aka the food, we ingest is very individual specific.
While there are no one-size-fits all rules, there are some broad guidelines to help us make healthy selections. Cookie dough, donuts and muffins will give us energy; they also wreak havoc on our metabolism, upsetting our insulin level and cause weight gain, brain fog and the all too dreaded crash and burn.
While food plays a major role in our metabolism, so do hormones such as thyroid, cortisol, and sex hormones. When our hormones are out of balance, that machine called our body, will not operate at peak performance.

Hormonal imbalances can be diagnosed by a simple blood and sometimes a saliva test. And while medications are sometimes required to remediate the problem, there are a multitude of easy and readily available non-pharmacological ways of addressing these issues.
Supplements, vitamins, mindfulness, sleep, exercise and proper nutrition have all have been shown to augment the body’s natural ability to maintain balance.
As we age, our body’s ability to create and balance these hormones becomes challenging. Sometimes medications such as insulin, thyroid, hormones, testosterone or estrogen are needed.
Only by working with a trained medical professional who understands the complex nature and interactivity of bodily mechanics and physiology can we hope to fine tune our body and optimize our health on an individualized level.
Dr. Adam | 3700 Washington Street, Suite 400, Hollywood, FL 33021 | 954-980-0361 | info@thedoctorsdr.com